How to Become an Able Seaman: Qualifications and Training You Need

maritime professional training

Posted on Jan 26, 2025 at 09:01 PM

In maritime work, there are many levels of seaman work, including able seaman which has a very important role and responsibilities on the deck.

Moreover, the able-bodied seaman, or AB seaman, is all included under the same able seaman job title and requires professional maritime training and skills to get the endorsement as an able seaman on the sea.

Today, we will share with you full information about able seaman or seaman AB to help you understand all the important details and required duties and experience on the merchant ship deck.

What Does an Able Seaman Do?

An able seaman (AB), also known as a bodied seaman, is a skilled and trained deck crew member who holds different responsibilities and duties on the board during sailing on sea and mooring in port.

Furthermore, the able seaman works based on international maritime regulations and rules to manage, guard, perform, facilitate, and watch crew relations and operations.

To get the able seaman endorsements you need specific features, exams, formal certificates, and qualifications based on IMO, like physical endurance, seafarer mental health, teamwork, and technical knowledge of ship operations.

What Is the Difference Between an Ordinary Seaman and an Able Seaman?

The called able seaman (AB) position requires a combination of experience and skills with a certification to perform advanced duties like steering, examination authority, maintaining, and operating equipment.

On the other hand, the ordinary seaman (OS), is unlicensed yet to be one of the ABs and is an entry-level position that includes basic tasks like cleaning and assisting in maintenance without previous sea experience on a ship.

Skills of Able-Bodied Seaman:

Able-bodied seaman or AB seaman jobs are highly required on merchant decks with advanced duties and requirements to sail safely on sea, moreover, to get a seaman endorsement you need to gain these employed skills:


The abled seamen must learn basic navigation strategies and techniques to ensure that merchant ships stay on course and avoid business dangerous situations.

Communication and Networking:

It is one of the most important skills to get the able-bodied endorsement, as the seaman AB must be able to communicate and build strong relationships with all officers and crew on deck to meet endorsement application.


Whether we are talking about required work during maintenance, cargo handling, or emergencies, the able-bodied seaman (AB) must be able to coordinate and facilitate marine work among all included parties.

First-Aid Techniques:

A well-trained seaman AB is responsible for offering at least minimum medical assistance for any shipmate injury assessments or emergencies on waters until professional healthcare service is available on deck.

Time Management:

The successful able-bodied seaman (AB) should be able to guide and navigate tasks aboard based on priorities on the ship's deck to ensure efficient workflow.

maritime professional training

Required Training Courses to Be an Able Seaman:

You need to get maritime professional training in the USA with credential papers in the English language to become endorsed as an able seaman worker, with a naval exam pass certificate and qualified practical training, and that for sure must include these career training fields:

Safety and Security Training:

In this critical maritime department training, mariners will study qualifying personal survival techniques, issued firefighting, and security awareness based on approved international maritime safety standards for ships and vessels on the sea.

Shipping Management:

An able-bodied seaman (AB), just like an experienced ship officer and mariner, must understand the special logistics and basics of navy ship operations, description and documentation, custom work, and maritime law to ensure that the vessel works effectively.

Maritime Commercial Practices:

This high-rating training class prepares seafarers and sailors in days to manage national and international merchant maritime operations in shipping written contracts, cargo handling regulations from port to ship, and trade practices.

Logistics, Ports, and Terminals:

Certified knowledge and demonstration of port operations, coast aspects, cargo loading/unloading, and supply chain logistics allow the able seaman (AB) on deck to coordinate between a variety of boat and shore facilities and services.

One Final Thought,

The able seaman (AB) role on the merchant deck is a key factor in the success of the ship without any losses or dangerous impacts.

However, to be able to do the required duties, responsibilities, and tasks in the United States the able seaman crewman needs certificated training with advanced programs and accredited certification.

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